While cracked teeth can present serious problems for patients young and old alike, there are many highly effective endodontic solutions for those who wish to retain their natural teeth. Cracked teeth come in many varieties and have various symptoms. Everything from erratic pain associated with chewing to pain experienced when releasing biting pressure and pain due to exposure to temperature can all indicate that a tooth may indeed be cracked. Those with a potentially cracked tooth should know that pain is often unpredictable and may come and go over time.

A cracked tooth can take on many forms. In most cases, a cracked tooth will extend from the chewing surface of the tooth and will migrate vertically toward the root of the tooth. The crack may even extend below the gum line and even into the pulp of the tooth. Cracked teeth often result in injured pulp. Root canal therapy is typically the best solution in this regard. Patients should understand that a cracked tooth that is left untreated could continue to further degrade over time. Early detection and prompt remedy is often the best strategy when dealing with a cracked tooth.
When a cracked tooth has gone untreated it can progress and advance into something known as a split tooth. This condition is usually indicative of a tooth that is cracked into distinct segments. In virtually all cases of a split tooth, the tooth usually cannot be saved. In some situations a portion of the tooth can be saved but it is important to note that every case is unique and different.
This type of situation results in a cusp becoming weakened, ultimately resulting in a fracture. When this happens a dental professional may choose to break off the cusp. In this particular case, a root canal procedure is usually not required. This is simply due to the fact that the pulp has more often than not been uncompromised. Installing a crown is typically the best remedy in this particular case.
This type of condition results when a fracture begins at the root of the tooth and then extends to the tooth’s chewing surface. This type of condition often goes unnoticed because for the most part it does not have obvious symptoms. Severe cases require that a tooth be extracted while less severe cases can often be treated through endodontic procedures.
It is important to note that your dentist or endodontist may have some difficulty in finding which tooth is actually causing the discomfort. Typically speaking, your dental care provider will work with you to determine which tooth is causing pain. Any time an individual is not sure or is experiencing pain it is always recommended to meet with an endodontist or dental care provider as soon as possible. An endodontist is recommended because these professionals specialize in dealing primarily with cracked or injured teeth.
There are several factors that must be taken into account when determining which treatment will be best for a cracked tooth. For example, the severity of the crack as well as the location of the crack and the type of cracking all have an impact on the procedure that will be recommended by an endodontist. One of the best ways to reduce the negative effects of a cracked tooth is to seek out medical attention as soon as possible. Meeting with an endodontist quickly can reduce the chances of a cracked tooth becoming worse. Taking decisive action can also greatly increase the probability that a tooth will be saved.
When a cracked tooth is properly treated it can last for many years and even many decades under normal chewing conditions. All said, one of the best ways to address the issue of cracked teeth is to simply avoid behavior that results in this type of dental injury.
For example, avoid biting or chewing on ice, popcorn kernels or other hard objects. This is one of the easiest ways to avoid encountering a cracked tooth. Conversely, there are cases where a cracked tooth cannot be avoided. For example, automobile accidents, bicycle accidents and other related accidents can all result in tooth related trauma and injuries.
Contact our office to learn more how we treat cracked tooth in Houston TX.