Don’t be in a Hurry to extract a tooth! Dr. Sameti Saves Natural Teeth!
Today, it is easier than it has ever been in the past to save a natural tooth and avoid extraction. However, there are many cases where dental care providers across the country will recommend the extraction of a tooth where in fact, that tooth could have been saved through reliable, dependable and highly successful root canal treatment. That is why it is important for patients to never be in a hurry to have a tooth extracted without first consultation Dr. Sameti. Exploring all options when it comes to dental health as well as any other kind of health concern is always a smart strategy.
Surrounding Healthy Teeth Shift
Dr. Sameti takes the time to explore all options when it comes to finding ways to save a natural tooth. Root canal treatment is perhaps one of the most innovative and modern ways of saving a natural tooth. There are several important reasons why it is frequently preferred to save a natural tooth as opposed to doing extraction. For example, extracting a tooth leaves an empty space between other healthy teeth and can eventually cause surrounding healthy teeth to shift, move and over time even fall out. Avoiding extraction is typically the best approach to quality dental care.
Loss of Jawbone Mass
Considered by many to be one of the more important modern dental procedures available today, endodontic treatment or root canal offers tremendous benefit for patients of all ages. Most importantly, as mentioned above, when a tooth is extracted, it presents new and additional dental related problems for the patient. For example, with an empty space present, surrounding teeth eventually become weaker and will fall out sooner. In addition, the removal of a tooth causes increased loss of jawbone mass overtime. In actuality, by extracting a tooth, a long-term cascading effect of other dental health related problems can result. That is why being proactive when it comes to root canal treatment, such as what Dr. Sameti offers is so useful today.
Either Have a Dental Implant Placed or Have a Bridge Installed
Equally worth noting is the fact that retaining one’s natural tooth adds a sense of confidence for the patient. It is also a smart and effective way of saving money when it comes to long-term dental treatment. Keep in mind that when a tooth is extracted, the typical response is to have either a dental implant placed or have a bridge installed. The advantages and benefits of root canal therapy simply cannot be understated. It is one of the most modern and highly effective methods of improving dental health over the short and long term. To learn more about all that this innovative technology makes possible for dental patients of all ages simply visit or call Dr. Sameti’s office today.

Dr. Kevin K. Sameti

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