Traumatic Dental Injuries And What You Need To Know
From automobile accidents to slip and fall accidents as well as a wide range of other accidents that result in injury, teeth become damaged in more ways than most people might imagine. Perhaps most common of all is automobile accidents that result in damage to one or more teeth. Traumatic dental injuries are also frequently experienced as a result of sports related accidents. The good news is that most of the dental injuries experienced today are minor and can be as simple as a chipped tooth.
Modern Dental Care Techniques Can Save A Tooth
Less common types of injuries include dislodged teeth or teeth that have been completely knocked out. Even in cases where a tooth has been completely knocked out, modern dental care techniques can save a tooth that might otherwise have been lost. Perhaps one of the most important aspects of saving a tooth that has experienced some type of traumatic injury is to seek out a dental care provider’s attention as soon as possible. Delaying treatment is one of the worst things a patient can do when a traumatic dental injury has occurred.
Only A Detailed Dental Exam Can Detect Injury
Regardless of the extent of the injury, immediate examination by an endodontist or dental care provider is always the best strategy. It is also important to note that even neighboring teeth may experience injury that may go unnoticed. Only a detailed dental exam can detect injury and problems related to surrounding teeth when a traumatic dental injury has occurred. Endodontic care specializes in treating traumatic dental injuries. Using advanced techniques and technology, an endodontist can save an injured tooth that may have otherwise been lost. Contact your endodontist in Houston today for more information on dealing with traumatic dental injuries.

Dr. Kevin K. Sameti

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